Marketplace Pricing
The cost to sell on Bevvit is simple . It is calucated based on your fixed referral fee depending on your Bevvit Membership Plan. Click Here for Plan details
Selling plan
There are three types of professional plan they vary based on the percentage referral fee and the number of units which can be sold and categories.
Referral fees
Bevvit charges a referral fee of 8-10 % for each item sold based on your Bevvit Membership. Click Here for Membership Details
Selling Plans
Our selling plans are included inside our general Bevvit membership which includes Business Directory, Course Directory and other Benefits . The plans below correlate with the plans on or Memeberhsip Page
10 % per sale - 20 listings /mo
8 % per sale - unlimited
9 % per sale - 50 listings /mo